Aroma Glacé ★ Advisor Supplementary Course "Basics of Prescription"@Aroma Mask & Salon Aroma Grasse

Capacity 4
Entry fee ¥66,000
Recommended for such people Pet aroma therapist qualification holder
Or if you are an advisor or specialist
Expected effects By taking this course, you can acquire the "advisor" qualification of a person.

"Advisor supplementary course" course for pet aroma therapists

JMA ACV "Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association Animal Clinical Veterinary Subcommittee" Association Certified Intensive Course
This is a supplementary lesson for those who have taken the "Pet Aroma Therapist" qualification to acquire the JMAA "Advisor" qualification so that they can prescribe human medical aroma.

In the future, you will learn the basic knowledge for prescribing medical aroma by yourself using "special textbooks".
There are no exams for this course.
Please bring a new notebook or a loose roof with a binder when you take the course.

In addition, advisors and specialists can take the course again.
You can reconfirm the general review of the advisor text, how to use the special text, how to make prescription notes, etc.
(School students will be re-attended for ¥ 4400)
Please bring a set of textbooks!

Date and time 2021/05/19 11:00 ~ 15:30


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