Special course on aroma glase ☆ immunity and infectious disease@Aroma Mask & Salon Aroma Grasse

Organizer/Co-organizer Aroma Mask & Salon Aroma Grasse
Capacity 5
Entry fee ¥3,300
Recommended for such people Anyone
Expected effects Know the mechanism of infectious disease and use medical aroma correctly!

Special course on immunity and infectious disease care

The new coronavirus is now spreading.
This is a special lesson that tells everyone who needs this information about the situation that is affecting the daily lives of the people, what is a virus, and how to deal with it.
This content is intended to help you understand the contents well and to help your family's health and enlightenment in the future.
In the lesson, there is also a practice of Miracle series, which is gentle on skin and has antibacterial power.

* If you participate in the course, please bring a drink and a mask.

Date and time 2020/03/29 10:00 ~ 12:00


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