Let's say goodbye with waste! Lymph care care lesson (body potential method)@Tamaki-an 順 Junko Tamaki

Capacity 6
Entry fee ¥2,000
Recommended for such people Anyone can join.
Expected effects Teaching how to prepare the mind and body.
You can learn simple movements that can be done at home.

Body Potential Mezzot Trial Lesson

"Body potential mezzot" that moves while feeling the bones, not the muscles.
By moving from the inside, you face your own body and approach the autonomic nervous system.

Lymph care is also performed at the same time.
Let's wash away the fat and protein you no longer need!

This time, it is a trial lesson for the upper body only.
It is offered at "monitor price".
This is a great value project where you can usually take 3500 yen for 2000 yen.

Those who can understand that we will take a photo.
After finishing, please tell us your impressions.

Once you learn it, you can use it for a lifetime.
First of all, let's experience it with a petit lesson!

* Participation fee will be [Cash payment on the day] (If you need a receipt, we will hand it on the day). Please transfer 1000 yen for cancellation on the previous day and 2000 yen for rental on the day, 2100 yen for rental space, total 3100 yen to the designated account.

Click here for the transfer destination

Date and time 2019/02/07 10:15 ~ 11:45

宮城県仙台市青葉区 中央2丁目10-1 第二勝山ビル5階


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