Let's make shampoo and conditioner (^^ ♪@green-leaves

Organizer/Co-organizer Medical aroma green-leaves
Capacity 5
Entry fee ¥5,000
Recommended for such people Anyone who is interested
Expected effects You can make the ultimate shampoo & conditioner, body soap and hand soap that are kind to both the earth and your skin.

Let's make shampoo and conditioner that are kind to the earth and skin (^^ ♪

It is held because there was a request ♪

What is healthy skin?

Why handmade soap, handmade shampoo and conditioner?

Sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays and make-up that makes you look beautiful
Outside air dust, dust and sweat ...

It is important to clean the day.

There are some annoying things in commercial soaps, shampoos and conditioners.

Drop it correctly! But
It is not good to drop too much.

Making natural soap that hasn't changed for thousands of years.
The ultimate earth- and skin-friendly soap, shampoo and conditioner, body soap and hand soap made only with water, vegetable oil, caustic soda and caustic potash.

After learning the difference from commercial detergents, we will actually make shampoo and conditioner.

● What to bring
・ Rubber gloves
・ Goggles and pollen glasses (things that can protect your eyes)
・ Cold bag
・ Things to wear or things that can hide your arms

★ Use caustic potash. Please contact us if you are traveling with small children.

From the second time, you can make it for 4,000 yen.

● Simultaneous medical aroma workshop

Date and time 2021/04/18 13:00 ~ 15:00



The application period has ended.

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