4/24 Morning ZOOM Soap Study Group Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law (animals) What can and cannot be sold@[Tokyo Board of Directors] GRINNING DOG.HAMILL M Aroma & M Soap

Organizer/Co-organizer JMAA Tokyo GRINNINGDOG&CAT
Capacity 20
Entry fee ¥2,000
Recommended for such people
Anyone who has received a builder or JHDSA can participate.
Expected effects Medications are different for humans and animals.
I was holding a lecture on the drug and machine law. It is the same content +α as there.
If you have already participated in the pet medicine law course, it will be half price.

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law (Animals) What can and cannot be sold

Points to note when selling pets
If you know the reason, you can judge.

handmade soap
pat cream
insect repellent
↑ These are different.

It's a story about things that can be sold for animals.
From the drug machine law, I'm going to practice the distinction ^^.
Please help me from now on.

We have a lot of questions this month, so we chose the medicine and medical device law for pets.

Since the person who received the medicine and medical device law for pets from me in the past has the same content,
Participation is half price.
Please indicate when applying.

4/25 The evening course has the same content.

Thank you very much ^^

Date and time 2023/04/24 09:30 ~ 11:00



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