11/20AM ZOOM Fermentation/Microorganisms “Nukadoko”@[Tokyo Board of Directors] GRINNING DOG.HAMILL M Aroma & M Soap

Organizer/Co-organizer JMAA Tokyo Board of Directors GRINNINGDOG&CAT/HAMILL/breathing dog
Capacity 10
Entry fee ¥5,000
Recommended for such people Anyone
Expected effects Butyric acid bacteria live in the rice bran bed.
Butyric acid bacteria are closely related to the intestines.

11/20AM ZOOM Fermentation/Microorganisms “Nukadoko”

11/20AM ZOOM Fermentation/Microorganisms “Nukadoko”

I have sake with a rice bran bed at home.
The space (home) where Japanese bacteria live from long ago,
I think this is also meaningful for cats who live only at home.

The bran bed is a home for excellent decomposers (microorganisms), including intestinal bacteria. Not just lactic acid bacteria ^^

I'm telling you via zoom.

Retakes are half price
There will be no practical training this time.
At a later date, only those who wish to attend will practice via ZOOM.
Please let us discuss it on the day.

Date and time 2023/11/20 09:30 ~ 11:00



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