How to deal with stress well@Robert / JMAA Akita Board of Directors

Organizer/Co-organizer <Co-sponsored 1> Fumika Miyazawa (Sumaru) As a medical aroma counselor, she is active in Sotoasahikawa, Akita City. <Co-sponsored 2> Kumi Sugawara (Luna Realoma) Active in Tokyo as a medical aroma special counselor.
Capacity 20
Entry fee ¥0
Recommended for such people ・ Those who studied at Akita Board of Directors
・ Students and customers of Akita Board of Directors
・ General public (living in Akita prefecture)
Expected effects Find out how to find the stress relief method that suits you

June 1st Medical Aroma Day

On June 1, 1990, the NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association was established.
In commemoration of this day, we will introduce "information useful for mental and physical health" to many people.
This year, it will be held at ZOOM due to the corona disaster.


Dialogue format with ZOOM. Just listening is OK! It's okay if you talk about your problems!

Introducing how to find a stress relieving method that suits you easily without spending money. And it's a way to improve work efficiency.

[Participation fee]
There is no forcible solicitation or sale. Please feel free to join us.

Date and time 2021/06/01 13:00 ~ 14:00


The application period has ended.

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