[Free course] Online * Aroma lesson (⑦ ・ ⑧)@petitclover

Capacity 3
Entry fee ¥0
Recommended for such people Anyone can join
Expected effects You can learn the basics of medical aroma.
Learning knowledge will ease your anxiety.

[Himeji] Free online * Aroma lesson (⑦ ・ ⑧)

"Free online * aroma lesson" is

The 10th series will be held online (ZOOM) ♪

* This time, it will be held once upon request!
Those who are interested, those who work on weekdays,
It is a holiday, so please join us ♪♪

[Lesson content]

Lesson ⑦: Essential oil and herb water ・ Herbs have different ingredients
Lesson ⑧: What is a safe essential oil?

[Lesson time / schedule]

2/11 (Thursday) 10: 30-11: 30 (Time may be a little too long)

[Recommended for people like this]

* Those who are new to medical aroma

* I know scent aromatherapy, but don't know much about medical? Those who say

* Those who want to know the home care care that can be taken at home now that the corona is bad

* Those who have learned medical aroma once but are uneasy (Petitclover students are also OK)

* People who want to learn aroma online because there is no place to learn aroma.

[Capacity] 3 people each time

[How to attend] Online (ZOOM)
Participants will be sent a ZOOM meeting ID and password the day before the course.

[About text]
If you would like to participate, please download the text from the URL below, print it out, and participate.

[Request for attending ZOOM]

* If you want to take a rest, please contact us by the day before.

* Please participate with your real name.

* Please be sure to turn on the video.

* If you do not understand the operation of ZOOM, please contact us. (To petitclover.pan@gmail.com)
(The usage text is available in the free download.)

* Please observe the start time of the course. (If you are late, you may not be able to enter the room)

JMAA Himeji Branch School

Medical Aromatherapy Petitclover
Medical Aroma Specialist
Tomoe Samejima

Date and time 2021/02/11 10:30 ~ 11:30


The application period has ended.

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