[Support] We will act on your computer@Saitama / Shiki Reactivate

Price ¥1,000
Recommended for such people た い I want to make materials on a PC
苦 I am not good at PC work
い I want to input handwritten things on a computer

[Support] We will act on your computer

Type in materials on behalf of you who are not good at computer work.

① Person who wants to input handwritten materials on a personal computer
What you need: Handwritten materials
Please take a picture of the material and send it.

Input agency fee: A4 ¥ 1000 per sheet + consumption tax

② Those who want to decorate handwritten materials (arrangement such as illustrations)
What you need: Handwritten materials and completed images
Please send us photos of the materials and tell us the image.
We will make every effort to match the image, but please note that it is not a design professional.
The decoration is simple.

Input agency: A4 ¥ 1500 / consumption tax
* We can not accept things that create complicated figures.
Or consultation required

③ Those who want to make leaflets and flyers firmly
Please prepare handwritten materials and images.
Create based on it.
* The picture below is a leaflet created by me.
* Because it is not a design professional, we will complete it while consulting.
* The reworking will be limited to two times, so please bring your completed image firmly.

Input agency: A4 ¥ one side ¥ 4000 + consumption tax
A4 both sides 7500 yen + consumption tax

<Red> Limited to medical aroma materials </ red>
* It will be exchanged by e-mail.
* Basically, we will make faithfully based on handwritten materials as much as possible.
* Sent in PDF format. Please print and use as it is.
* If you do not have a personal computer / printer, you will be mailed after printing.
ご Please contact us when applying. Please pay the shipping cost.

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