WellbeLabo changes pets and our future.

WellbeLabo is changing pets and our future
~WellbeLabo is transforming lives for our pets and us.~

For pets, for future children, for the global environment. If we do not make better choices, the future will not change. WellbeLabo changes pets and our future.

The year 2020, when WellbeLabo started, is the year of “Kaneko” in the zodiac.

In terms of the five lines, the golden sun's "gull" and the water sun's "child" are combined,
It is said that it will be a year of great change.

The meaning of "kozu" is the beginning of new sprouts and prosperity,
It seems to point out that it is Daikichi that works well when you start new things.

WellbeLabo's "Wellbe" is
Abbreviation for well-being,
“Well-being” is a concept that means that you are physically, mentally, and socially in good condition.
Often translated as "happiness".

Also, “Labo” is an abbreviation for laboratory,
It is used to mean "laboratory," etc.,
There is also means "Hello" in Latvian.

So WellbeLabo
For pets, for future children, for the global environment,
"To choose future happiness,
Thinking about what we can do now,
The organization that provides it",
In other words, it is the “Happy Research Institute”.

Create a better future by making good choices!

At Wellbe Labo
◇ We sell products supervised or recommended by veterinarians
◇ Disseminate and share various information such as holding seminars

Through the above

1) Relationship between owner and pet:
 The relationship creates a cycle of happiness, not negative co-dependence

2) Relationship between owner and veterinary hospital:
Not the place where the veterinary hospital goes after a pet becomes ill,
A place where people gather from the time pets are healthy

3) Relationships between trimmers and dock trainers and veterinarians:
Together with a collaborative relationship to protect the health and safety of pets

4) By pursuing safety with the aim of reducing drug use in animal and human medicine,
Protect the global environment and pass it on to the next generation

5) By focusing on water quality and cleaning agents, chemical substances are not drained into sewage.
Consider environmental pollution

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