As A Pie's idea ...
Avoid things that you put in your body, things that you apply to your skin, and things that avoid chemical substances as much as possible. Used in medical aroma prescription The aroma used is PRANAROM's only chemotype essential oil.
Along with studying medical aroma, I am studying immunology and cell biology, and the range I want to know is expanding, and quantum mechanics is also self-taught.
Medical Aroma Advisor
My main job is graphic designer / serigraphist
○ NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association Certified Advisor
○ French test quasi 2nd grade
2005 PLACE PLUS DESIGN established
AC Co., Ltd. Worked as a designer for 5 years
PLUG Co., Ltd. worked as an art director for many years
■ Exhibition
'06 Cut Emoji Exhibition First Solo Exhibition Osaka Manifest Gallery
'07 Book Cover of Tea / Exhibition
'08 Book Cover of HELVETICA / Exhibit
'17 My child Meet that child Exhibition (Serigraphy Exhibition) Kyoto Gallery Miyakawa