Health manager (QOL planner)@Haluuum

Capacity 4
Entry fee ¥27,000
Recommended for such people Anyone.
Expected effects It contains a lot of information such as care before getting sick, break away from dependence on over-the-counter medicines, "if you make over-the-counter medicines with medical aroma", basic knowledge of medical aroma and how to use it. After taking the course, many people will be able to educate and disseminate how to manage their home health and how to care.

March 13 (Monday) @ Health Manager (QOL Planner) 10: 30-


Lesson 1
About the association
Diagnosis of Hippocratis constitution
Lavender difference
Which essential oil can be used for mosquito repellent?
Things not to use and how to use them
Antibacterial power
Difference between general aroma and medical aroma
How to use medical aroma 1
How to use medical aroma 2
Which essential oils cannot be used for cats?
Is it dangerous because even the scent absorbs essential oils from the nose?
Difference between human and animal
Immune system
Basic knowledge of medical aroma
What is essential oil
Essential oil features
Essential oil extraction method
Essential components of essential oils
Precautions when using
Essential oils to watch out for
About patch testing
Essential oils contain many types of ingredients.

Lesson 2
Difference between modern medicine and aromatherapy
Diseases that modern medicine is not good at
Stress care
Body's disease level
Mental illness level
Basic psychology
Applied psychology
If you make over-the-counter medicine with medical aroma.

What to make ... 6 points in total! !
Lavender cream, heel slick cream, lavender gel cream, lavender water, emulsion, lavender gel.
In addition, if there is something you want to make in the recipe, it can be created separately only with the material cost.

Date and time 2017/03/13 10:30 ~ 17:00


The application period has ended.

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