Power Stone Bracelet Production Experience@Haluuum

Capacity 3
Entry fee ¥3,240
Recommended for such people Anyone.
Expected effects ★ You can create your own bracelet.
★ How to use Power Stone?
★ How to purify power stones and how to charge energy?
★ What about stones that have lost energy?
★ How to associate with Power Stone?
★ What is guard stone?

"Power Stone Master Dictionary" (Shufu no Tomosha 1,404 yen)
Get this book! !

Power Stone Bracelet Production Experience

★ Purification bracelet production experience meeting… ¥ 3,240 ~
Use crystal quartz to create a right-handed bracelet.
★ Protection stone bracelet production experience party… ¥ 5,400 ~
Please let us know your date of birth in advance. Deriving from birthday.
★ The amount of the reading bracelet changes depending on the stone derived by the free appraisal.

Date and time 2017/04/10 13:30 ~ 15:00


The application period has ended.

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