Self-stress care therapist lecturer course (medical aroma practical psychology)@Haluuum

Price ¥33,000
Recommended for such people ・Those who want to make stress care items
・People who want to benefit from medical aroma stress care for themselves and their families
・Those who want to incorporate medical aroma into stress care
Expected effects Medical aroma self-care instructor course completion certificate issued
Learn stress management methods using basic psychology and practical medical aroma. Please use this information for yourself, your family, or a third party.
・Exam included

Self-stress care instructor course

[What to make]
3 gels of your choice (Example) Anti-depressant gel, sedative gel, hypnotic gel, etc.

~Course content~
・What is medical aroma?
・Medical aroma psychology
・About the Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association
・What is medical aroma psychology?
・What is psychology?
・Human psychology applied to animals
・By counseling
・Basic psychology
・Applied psychology
・Contents of proposal
·way of thinking
・Physical disease level
・Mental illness level
・Actual usage
・Medical aroma basic knowledge
・How to choose essential oils
・What is essential oil?
・Precautions for aromatherapy
・How to make original recipes - your true self
・Effects of online society on the mind
・Clinical psychology
・Social psychology
・Developmental Psychology Erikson
・Cognitive psychology
・Perceptual psychology Gestalt psychology Psychophysics
・Learning psychology
・Personality psychology
・Medical aroma basic knowledge 2
・Essential oils you should be careful about
・Precautions when using essential oils
-Essential oils contain aromatic molecules that have many different effects.
・Differences between modern medicine and aromatherapy
・How to make original recipes
・Adjustment disorder
・Conventional depression and atypical depression “New type of depression”
・Neurosis “anxiety disorder”
·Social phobia
・Panic disorder PTSD
・Social withdrawal
・Burnout syndrome
・Body dysmorphic disorder
・Personality disorder
・Character formation
・What you need to know about mental illness
・Mood disorders, depression, bipolar disorder
・Mental symptoms
・Physical symptoms
・Self-check for depression
・Various types of depression
・Causes of depression
・Points for stress care
・Things asked at the hospital
・Surrounding backup
・Anxiety disorder
・Mental illness similar to depression
・Bipolar disorder manic depression
・Be careful of these symptoms
・Message from the person concerned
・Psychosocial treatment
・Characteristics of schizophrenia treatment drugs
・Mental disorder system
・Medical aroma Q&A
・Medical aromatherapy recipe
・Ultimate beauty gel “anti-aging”
・Lotion for sensitive skin, pet-friendly, “also for mild cases of atopic dermatitis”
- Emulsion for sensitive skin, suitable for pets, "also for mild cases of atopic dermatitis"
・Dry skin cream - Pet friendly - For atopic dermatitis (also for severe cases)
・Lavender gel Can be used by pets For all skin problems (even for moderate atopic dermatitis)
・Stain removal gel - use only at night
・Diet/cellulite gel
・Menopause gel
・Hair growth lotion (pet friendly)
・Aging odor water, pet friendly
・Cold gel, immunity promotion, pet-friendly
・Toothache/Gingivitis Clove oil
- Sensitivity to cold/swelling
・Stiff shoulders, lower back pain, arthritis
・Hay fever nose care
- Hay fever immune adjustment materials available for pets
・Base material order form
・How to register as an instructor

*There is a test for review.

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