[Handmade cosmetics class] Acne care course 90 minutes 2022/11/20@MBC School Fukuoka Branch Officer School

Organizer/Co-organizer Medical Aroma MBC School/NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association Fukuoka Branch Officer School
Capacity 3
Entry fee ¥4,100
Recommended for such people ・ Those who are interested in making correct aroma cosmetics
・ Those who are interested in cosmetics that are gentle on the skin and are suitable for their skin.
・ Those who want to use cosmetics that are safe for children, pets, and the environment

* If the schedule does not match, we also accept consultations for individual holdings.
Application page for individual events https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/mbcschool/syohin/1848
Expected effects Aroma cosmetics item making experience
Medical aroma mini knowledge
effective use

Acne care with high-performance reduced ion water "Miracle ion water" that is difficult to obtain in the market

Highly functional reduced ion water that won the 2018 Grand Prize in Paris.
Although it is water, it has an "antibacterial effect", so it is perfect for those who have acne.

Because it is water, it is gentle on the skin, and is loved by people with sensitive skin and atopic skin.

Water for skin surface
deep skin gel

Acne care with these two.

[thing to make]
・Lavender miracle ionized water 50ml
・ Acne care gel 20ml
(Normal creation cost 4100 yen ⇒ Discount 4000 yen)

The recipe is evidenced by the NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association.
The ingredients have been rigorously checked for safety by the NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association.

* If you wish, you can add beauty essence or create other beauty items (separate creation fee required)
Ex.) Sunscreen, adding serums such as hyaluronic acid and VC derivatives, beauty gels, UV foundations that are resistant to sweat and sebum, moisturizing creams, etc.

[Things to bring on the day]
・Writing instruments
・Mask, drink

●First-time users
"New registration" ⇒ General user registration

● Those who have already registered as a general user
After logging in as a general user, press the application button on this page.

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Date and time 2022/11/20 13:00 ~ 14:30



The application period has ended.

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