[New] Chairman's "Health Management Specialist (QOL Planner) Course"@MBC School Fukuoka Branch Officer School

Organizer/Co-organizer NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association/Medical Aroma MBC School
Capacity 1
Entry fee ¥27,500
Recommended for such people ・Those who want to increase their knowledge of health management at home

・Those who want to learn about care using aromatherapy (skin care, those who want to reduce medication)

・Those who want to learn the basics of medical aromatherapy

Even if you have no experience with aromatherapy, it's okay to take this course.
Expected effects ・You can hold club activities such as "handmade meetings" and "first time medical aromatherapy"
・You can buy materials at a discount and sell some materials
・Certified advisors can hold this course

Direct lecture from the association's top chairman, Chairman Yoshida!

This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from Dr. Yoshida Shoichi, the association president and a leading figure in the medical aroma industry! Don't miss this chance!

[Important] Application and transfer must be completed by 16:00 on Friday, July 12th.

[Time schedule for Saturday, July 13th, 2024]

13:00-14:00 First half

14:00-14:30 Item creation time (Zoom participants and recorded stream participants will do so at a later date)

14:30-15:30 Second half

15:30-16:30 Item creation and questions

After the event, you will register as a member at the venue. (Membership registration is free for life)
Please bring a smartphone (or tablet device, PC).

Three ways to participate

[Recommended] ① Attend the course at Medical Aroma MBC School (maximum 4 people, first come first served)
② Watch the course at home on ZOOM
③ Watch the recorded course from July 14th to 16th

★Please indicate which of ① to ③ you will be participating (please write in the remarks column)


[Zoom ID and pass distribution]
Sent by email on the morning of July 13th (Sat)

[Lecture recording]
Limited time distribution to everyone

[Zoom, item creation and membership registration for those attending the recorded course]
Please come to Medical Aroma MBC School by July 23rd (Tue).
*Reservation required in advance
*Deadline strictly adhered to
Item creation and membership registration will be done.
About 60 to 90 minutes.

Please bring a device such as a smartphone.

Lecturer introduction: Shoichi Yoshida (Chairman of the NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association)

He popularized medical aromatherapy, which has been researched and used mainly in Europe, in Japan together with Belgian pharmacologist Dr. Dominique Baudou.
In 1988, he established the NPO Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association with the aim of using it to help with his own health management and treatment.
He has partnered with medical institutions as a plant therapy and strives to contribute to society as one of the alternative medicines of the future.
He has particularly collaborated with medical institutions to conduct research on allergy pathology.
He practices medical aromatherapy at medical institutions.
He has extensive clinical experience, having performed clinical treatments on over 10,000 patients.
He trains therapists who have the knowledge to converse on an equal footing with doctors, and gives lectures at universities, vocational schools, hospitals, and other locations.
He is also actively involved in public awareness activities and lectures on medical aromatherapy, which is recognized as a medical treatment in France and Belgium, and is different from the British style of aromatherapy for "healing" using scents.
In 2006, he won the Veterinary Medical Association's Society Award for the results of his research into dog medical aromatherapy treatments, which he established with veterinarians as part of the "Clinical Division."

He also conducts clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of aromatherapy not only for humans but also for pets.

He is a leading authority on aromatherapy as a medical treatment, and is active in many areas, including the media and seminars.

He also develops new base materials for health and beauty from a broad perspective.


[Lesson 1]
What is a medical aroma QOL planner?
About the Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association
Explanation of medical aroma using constitution assessment
Explanation of three types of lavender
Lavender angustifolia
Lavender stoecus
Lavender spica
What is medical aromatherapy?
① How to make a spray
What not to use and how to use it
② How to make a soft cream
③ How to make a hard cream
④ How to make a gel cream
⑤ How to make water
⑥ How to make bath oil
⑦ How to make lotion
⑧ How to make gel
The difference between general aroma and medical aroma
Pets and aroma
Is it dangerous because the essential oil components are absorbed through the nose even with the scent?
Differences between humans and animals

About the immune system

Basic knowledge of medical aromatherapy
How to choose essential oils
What are essential oils?
Characteristics of essential oils
How to extract essential oils
Amount of essential oil extracted
Components of essential oils
Points to note when using essential oils
Essential oils that require caution

[Lesson 2]
Differences between modern medicine and aromatherapy (current situation in Japan)
Diseases that modern medicine is particularly weak at

Stress care
Levels of physical illness
Levels of mental illness
What is basic psychology?
What is applied psychology?

Home health management and viruses
About the new coronavirus

・35 types of recipes

Creation practice
3 types of lavender cream, 1 of each
Lavender water
Lavender milk
Lavender gel
Total of 6

How to apply (there are two pages to apply)

Please make sure to apply on both pages.
If either page is missing, your application will be invalid.

■First-time users
"New registration" ⇒ General user registration
Register your email address below

You will receive a reply email immediately.
The email will contain a URL for general user registration.
Click on it to complete the registration process.

■For those who have already registered as a general user

★First application
After logging in as a general user, access this page.
Click the application button at the bottom of the page.
Continue on and complete your application.
You will receive a reply email once complete.

Please write your participation method in the comments section.
One of ① to ③
① Attend at Medical Aroma MBC School (maximum of 3 people, first come first served) [2 spots remaining]
② Attend via Zoom
③ Attend via recorded broadcast


★Second application
After logging in as a general user, go to the following page.
Click the application button at the bottom of the page.
Go ahead and complete your application.
When complete, you will receive a reply email.

※Application for Zoom ID management. Free.
※Please write "Fukuoka/Takeuchi school student" in the comments section.

Make sure to apply on both pages.
If either page is missing, your application will be invalid.


Inquiries to MBC School Fukuoka Branch Executive School

Date and time 2024/07/13 13:00 ~ 16:00



Announcement of the nationwide public lecture "QOL Planner" by Chairman Yoshida - Lecture information -

The application period has ended.

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