[Face-to-face classes] Make a reservation@Must be * ALWAYS

Time 60min.
Price ¥0
Recommended for such people Those who wish to take face-to-face mini courses and certification courses
Expected effects You can make a reservation on your preferred date.

[Face-to-face classes] Reservations available

This is the schedule for when face-to-face appointments are available.

Reservations are available in the blue boxes. Please select the desired date.

Each lesson is set at 60 minutes.

If you wish to take a qualification course, please make a reservation at least 10 days in advance.

How to book and details

[For paid mini courses]
Please reserve two slots for your desired time slot.

・First time with medical aromatherapy
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1426

・Medical aromatherapy is home medicine
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1428

・Allergies and atopic dermatitis
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1431

・Skin-friendly UV and blemish care lesson
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1430

・Easy insect repellent
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/830

・Periodontal disease and oral care for people and pets
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1429

・Handmade soap trial lesson
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/832

・Fantastic Life Course (please apply for this course in 4 slots)
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1090

【Q For OL Planner (Health Manager) Course and various instructor training courses]

- QOL Planner (Health Manager) Course
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/828

- Self-care Therapist Instructor Training Course
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/825

- Mommy & Child Self-care Therapist Instructor Training Course
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/826

- Pet Self-care Therapist Instructor Training Course
Details → https://jmaa -cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/827

・Self Medical Soap Builder Course
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1436

・Coordinator Course for JMAA Member Instructors Only
4 slots for your desired course date and time
You can make a reservation after taking the course, but there are two exam dates about one week to 10 days later (the exam itself takes one hour)
Details → https://jmaa-cloud.com/shop/ponoaloha/syohin/1427

※Reservations are free, but you will need to pay for each creation and attendance.
We do not accept cancellations of reserved lessons without notice.
Please be sure to contact us if you are unable to attend a free lesson.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the form below.

Implementation location



Click the time slot you want to reserve.

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