@朽木 メディカルアロマ王子M from Saitama Prefecture gave me impressions and photos of Gel Stand.


Saitama Prefecture, from Mr. M

From Mr. M in Saitama,
I received a report that I received a walnut gel stand
I will introduce it.

" Hello
The gel stand has just arrived.
I immediately made an important gel for my home.
 It's cute, the color of the walnut is good,
We had a wonderful gift at the end of the year.
Thank you very much.
  What if I have another campaign? I will order another one. "

I had a nice impression.
Important medical aroma gels lined up beautifully
It blends into the living room and looks great.

It's a campaign, but soon ... lol

Next, I would like to make it with teak wood.
Teak wood is a high quality wood with a natural oil component,
It is tough, strong and resistant to water, and is very durable for marine materials.
For example, we are considering the optimal specifications for water around washrooms
Please consider it!


@朽木 メディカルアロマ王子

"Health and happiness through correct knowledge of medical aromatherapy."

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