王子 メディカルアロマI made an original oil box ♪


Favorite oil box

Ladies and gentlemen, Hello.

We are updating to plain.

By the way, recently, there have been requests for oil refiners in quick succession,
I am making it secretly. (I usually do not work in winter because it's cold ... lol)

Requested product contains 6 × 7 = 42 oil refineries

There were no requests for materials or shapes,
I made something that would be easy to use.

Because it can be moved in the classroom, it is easy to put a groove on the outside and open it easily using light total paulownia.

From client I
"Detailed considerations have been made to make the wood warm, soft, and easy to use.
(* ´ ▽ ` *)

Little by little, I'm glad I can make more!
And I'm even more glad to use it if you like it.

Thank you for watching this time!


王子 メディカルアロマ

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