We strive to provide courses that are tailored to each individual.
I have worked in hospitals for 25 years, and have gained a wealth of experience learning about illnesses and the psychology of patients up close.
I can also answer questions about illnesses that are not covered in the textbook to the best of my ability.
I am also kind enough to explain things to the general public (^▽^)
Learning as an adult is fun and fulfilling.
Let's have fun and have fun studying~
*About web certified schools*
JMAA web examination certified school: We conduct web examinations for specialists who want to take lessons online
JMAA web certified school: From intermediate courses (specialist courses)
We offer online lessons
We can also teach people who live far away (Kinki region and Shikoku) who do not have a teacher nearby
JMAA Kobe Board School Lucet
*Origin of Lucet*
[Lucet] means to shine or twinkle in Latin
We named it Lucet in the hope that it will be a small light of hope for someone when they feel like they are in complete darkness
Lucet is a board member of JMAA and teaches classes in Kobe.
We provide individualized support so that those who have obtained the qualifications can continue to work.
In 2020, we also started pet care classes.
We teach daily body care (massage, herbal balls) and medical aroma care methods for your precious family pets.
We also offer lessons and sell handmade soap for dog skin.
JMAA web certified school
JMAA certified Kobe board school Kobe Himeji Lucet
My name is Michie Tatsumi
I have worked as a clinical engineer in the treatment of patients, and learned from talking to them that it is important not to overlook small changes in the body.
I was impressed by JMAA's idea of listening to your body and being able to study in accordance with the correct mechanism of the body, which led me to become a board member.
I want to help everyone who comes to the class, their family, and their pets stay healthy for a long time, so I run a small home class in Kobe, where I was born and raised.
・ JMAA Leader Instructor/Specialist
・ Chief Soapnist
・ Special Medical Aromatherapy Counselor
・Medical Aroma Body Maintenance Trainer
JMAACV Pet Aromatherapist
JPMA Pet Massage Therapist
JHDSA Dog Soap Creator
AHIO Animal Herb Ball Practitioner
Nationally Certified Clinical Engineer 1997~