Wellbe LaboFree flowing shampoo


Free flowing shampoo

Do you have the correct shampoo

Surprisingly, the basic tips of shampoo are
It is not held down.

I will tell you the correct way of shampoo immediately

First, apply a brush before shampoo.

By brushing the whole body, remove the dirt on the surface,
By loosening hair tangles,
You can wash your skin thoroughly and the final drying will be quicker.

Next, moisten your body with lukewarm water and then
There is a caveat here.

Please lather the shampoo in advance.

That way you don't damage the coat,
Bubbling improved
It becomes easier to remove dirt.

Put one shampoo in a bowl,
Whipping with a whipping net or sponge,
It is convenient to use a special whipping device for shampoo.

And at least twice more with plenty of foam,
If possible, wash 3 times.

The first time is called underwash (preliminary wash).
Underwashing only removes dirt from the surface.
And if it is heavily soiled or contains a lot of sebum,
First, the dirt doesn't come off.

To avoid washing multiple times,
Used for shampooing for dogs
"Cleansing oil"
It is also recommended to use.

Behind the ears, between the crotch, the back of the tail, etc.
As dirt may not come off,
Please wash it carefully.

The order of washing is to start with the body that you don't dislike,
It would be nice to wash the tail, limbs, neck, head and face.
Use your finger pad and gently wash.

In any case, after removing some dirt,
In the second and subsequent main washing,
With the shampoo whipping
By leaving it for 5 minutes while massaged,
You can get the expected effect of shampoo over removing dirt.

Then rinse your shampoo thoroughly.

Tips for rinsing
Stick the shower head to your head,
Rinse with a weak stream
Rinse the whole body from a high position, starting from the head and face.
Rinse while collecting warm water in your hand,
You can thoroughly wash the skin.

The point to note here is
If you have a dog standing
The padding around the soles of the feet is not so clean,
Shampoo will remain and cause itching and irritation.
Remember to rinse thoroughly

At the end, be sure to finish using a conditioner.
Some conditioners do not wash off, so
Check the usage.
After applying the conditioner diluted at the end to the whole body,
Rinse again to finish

It's finally time to dry.
One of the two major pitfalls of shampoo
Not enough dirt is removed.
The other is not to dry.
So drying is important.

Most hair dryers hate dogs and cats, so
Isn't it towel drying and done? ?
"I don't want to be too persistent and hate shampoo
I heard a voice.
Also, "It's okay because it's a short-haired species,"
"I'm pretty dry with a towel, and I don't think I'll catch a cold because it's exposed to sunlight (or heating)."
I often hear opinions,
Yes, all are out
I'm sure it's only half the hair dry

Semi-dry/raw-dry is a source of odor even in laundry.
That's right, rather than before shampoo
This leads to an increase in the amount of bacteria (resident bacteria on the body surface).

Drying with a dryer is essential.

At that time, use a comb or a slicker brush
While raising the hair so as to go against the coat,
Apply the air of a dryer to the root of the coat.

I hate the heat of the dryer,
There is skin trouble and heat of the dryer causes itching,
If the dog is hurt and hot,
Apply while alternating hot air and cold air,
Don't let the skin surface get too hot
Please give consideration.

Dry the body from the hard-to-feel body,
I think the one who puts his last face on it will put up with it.

I will summarize the points again.
1. Advance whole body brushing
2. After washing the bottom, wash with plenty of foam
3. Rinse thoroughly
4. Finish with conditioner
5. Firmly dry the roots of hair with a towel and dryer

How was it?

But I thought it was an important time to communicate with my dog,
have fun

After shampoo,
To the fluffy and beautiful dog
Let's get healed

However, without equipment, you will have to sit down for a long time and work hard,
It's good to leave it to a professional trimmer.

To trimming salon once a month to a month and a half,
Shampoo at home once (every two to three weeks) in the meantime
Is recommended.

Depending on the dog's age, skin quality, skin disease, etc.,
Suitable shampoo frequency is different,
Considering the cycle of skin cells
Shampoo about once every 3 weeks is appropriate.

Also, due to hair quality, skin quality, and skin problems
Suitable shampoo agents are different,
Originally suitable for the delicate dog's skin and coat
Choose a shampoo!

If you can do good shampoo,
Make your dog healthier,
You can communicate and be happy with each other! !!


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