Wellbe LaboSkin diseases are hard to cure


Skin diseases are hard to cure

Skin diseases are difficult to cure in the first place.

If you see your dog itching or hair loss,
It’s hard for the family

The veterinarian must stop the itch quickly.

Of course, if you can suppress the symptoms, you will be satisfied, so
First, it will improve the symptoms.

However, if you stop taking the drug, it will recur soon,
The symptoms may be repeated on a regular basis.

It's not a treatment like a fire extinguisher
To prevent recurrence,
Meal management and daily skin care
I always feel that is important

The skin is
It is an important organization that protects the body from external bacteria and foreign substances.

Diseases of internal organs may also appear as skin symptoms.

That is, the skin
It plays an extremely important role in maintaining the health of your dog.

There are various causes of skin diseases,
Inspection, treatment,
It is a troublesome illness that takes time and money.

However, even if it is difficult to cure completely,
While observing the skin condition regularly,
With the best treatment and skin care
You can maintain a good condition.

The first preventative measure for skin diseases is to maintain the hair and skin.
If you leave the dirt and hair tangles as they are,
Due to skin irritation and growth of pathogenic bacteria,
It has a bad effect on the skin.

Correct skin care with less strain on the skin
Let's prevent skin troubles!

"I want you to have proper skin care at home"

With that in mind, we have developed a skin care product that has a minimal impact on the skin.

that is,

"VIV CARE skin care series"


↑ Fashionable by the design of my friend Sanae Fujii

By having skin care such as shampoo at home,
Not unilateral and symptomatic treatment,
Through collaboration with the owner
I want to protect the health of my pet

I think.

Also, actually
The advantage of the owner doing shampoo at home is
It's not just skin care.

By touching the whole body of your dog,
If you have an unexpected illness, such as finding a lump
Leads to early detection
There are also things.

in addition,
A long time from the beginning to the end of shampoo,
To interact with your dog means
For those who don't usually interact with their dogs,
It is an ideal opportunity for valuable communication.

I also have a desire to develop this shampoo.

that is,

"Of shampoo agents used in trimming salons
I want it to be one of the options.''

It is a thought.

Good foaming and defoaming
Dries quickly
Easy to cut
Low price

From a viewpoint that does not focus on so-called COSPA,
That is, in the trimming salon,
"I want you to choose a shampoo that has less burden on the skin."
It is a thought.

Pursues low irritation to the skin
"VIV CARE skin care series"
By continuing to use
Of the dog who comes to trim
The condition of hair and skin regains its original healthy condition

Without burdening the skin of the trimmer used,
Reduces rough hands, which is said to be an occupational disease
That is expected.

"VIV CARE skin care series"
The reason for recommending is
“Human cosmetic grade pet skin care products”
That's why.

Click here for details on "VIV CARE Skin Care Series"


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