Wellbe LaboHow to extend the life of a dog


How to extend the life of a dog

From a study of risk factors related to dog longevity,
It is clear how to reduce the risk of death.

that is,
Contraceptive surgery,
Castration surgery,
Annual dental scaling (tartar removal)! !!
(Published in the May and June 2019 issue of the Journal of American Animal Hospital Association)

As a result of a study using about 2.37 million dogs,
Non-contraceptive females than contraceptive females,
Of uncastrated males than castrated males
It turns out that there is a high risk of death.

That is, dogs that are contraceptive and castrated,
Significantly longer lifespan than non-dogs
about it.

Annual scaling is
Reduces mortality risk by approximately 20%
Became clear

Lifespan is significantly associated with the presence or absence of contraceptive castration
Has been known for quite some time,
Most veterinarians
We recommend surgery based on this.

This time, this research
Annual scaling reduces mortality risk
The new knowledge was obtained.

And that's why
I would like you to make it known again.
less than,
This is a summary of the views published by the Japan Society for Small Animal Dentistry.

Many owners have their own dogs and cats
It is important to treat the oral cavity with general anesthesia.
I think you will be worried.

In general,
The procedure (scaling) for cleaning the oral cavity is
It is said that "tartar removal" etc.,
It may be treated in the same way as nail clippers.

In recent years, oral treatment has not been legally permitted.
Trimmers, veterinary nurses, (human) dental hygienists,
There are many negative effects caused by removing tartar without anesthesia

"Scaling" to remove tartar by a veterinarian
Regardless of the gingival margin,
Removes plaque and tartar
It is to polish the tooth surface.

What must be done with scaling is
In the pocket where the periodontal disease is active
Clean the tooth surface (just below the gingival margin between the gingiva and the root)
That is.

Without anesthesia,
The scaling of the subgingival area of each dog or cat

Removing visible tartar is
It has almost no effect on the health of animals,
It just feels clean.
It's just a visual effect

How dangerous is the act of "tartar removal"
Please understand
Safe, effective and appropriate
We sincerely hope that you will receive medical treatment related to the oral cavity.

At the end,
To extend the life of the dog
What you can do in the animal hospital
There is plaque and tartar removal by scaling.
In order to live with my dog for a long time,
Dental care at veterinary hospitals is very important.

What you can do at home is to prevent the adhesion of plaque and tartar.
The best way is
To brush your teeth with a dental brush.
There are quite a few dogs that I hate, so
It is important to spend time little by little and get into the habit.

Not as effective as brushing your teeth,
Dental gum,
Dental sheet,
Dental care supplements and therapeutic foods
Is also effective.
Depending on the condition,
You may also need to prescribe veterinary medication.

To live long with your dog,
"Care in the hospital"
Both "home care" are important


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