

Introducing myself again

I am Yoneda from p-leaf at JMAA Tokyo Meguro School.

I have met many people through my medical aroma classes.

Some people come to my medical aroma classes without knowing much about me.

I don't often have a chance to introduce myself, so I thought I'd write about it on my blog.

Born in June 197x in Shinagawa, Tokyo.

I was a lively, normal child and appeared on a local children's TV program in kindergarten.

I moved to Tsukuba City when I was in elementary school.

When I became an adult, I got a job at a certain electronics manufacturer of health equipment.

It was during this time that I started teaching medical aroma classes.

After this, I got married and moved to Shiga Prefecture.

I decided to seriously promote medical aroma to the outside world in April 2013.

I held an aroma-making workshop at Kusatsu Honjin, focusing on making lavender cream.

At that time, very few people in Shiga Prefecture knew about medical aromatherapy, so we were very grateful to have members from Kyoto come and help us out.

A few years later, when medical aromatherapy festivals, where you can hear President Yoshida speak, started to become popular nationwide,

We wanted Shiga Prefecture to have them too, so we went around looking for venues and recruiting participants, and now more people are looking forward to the festival.

We rented a store in Kusatsu City where we could give medical aromatherapy consultations for about five years, but we have now moved our base to Meguro Ward, Tokyo, where we are active.

We didn't do much advertising, and we just ran the store casually. I used to run a store here.
Now, I get kind words from people saying that if they had known about it, they would definitely have gone back then.
If I don't advertise, it won't reach those who need it, so I can't stop.
Even now, I interact with the staff of Takada Real Estate, who manages the store, Ikoi, the chiropractic clinic I met at the store, the teachers at Ayaha High School,
and the people of Shiga through medical aromatherapy.
I think that the people I've known for a long time are enjoying getting older, whether they use medical aromatherapy or not.
I look forward to talking to each other about health.



Mind and body*Home medicine*Aroma care

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