p-leafMedical aroma day


Fluorine compound study session

"June 1st Medical Aroma Day" Memorial

Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association Founding Day


last week,
We had a detailed study session on fluorine compounds one by one.

Check the essential molecular structure

"I want to convey it for the sake of trust, but it's hard to put together."

While accepting the heartfelt feelings of the instructors,
I also shared the convenient usage of medical aroma.

After the study session, check the video of my own language habits and body usage habits

"Repeat gel and sol"
This is my favorite phrase (laughs)

A habit is a part that is loved by individuality

But if you just lean on it, you're likely to be selfish

Searching for altruistic ways of communication every day

Now that you can have a zoom study session in Corona, it's easier to observe yourself.

Medical aroma altruistic way of communicating to commemorate the founding

This time, I think that such a theme also progressed at the same time.

Everyone lived in different areas, and I could hear each country's language.

Thank you for your participation



Mind and body*Home medicine*Aroma care

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