Tamaki-an 順 Junko TamakiI often say that I will live now


I know in my head. Then, let's chew!

"I'm going to live now"
"Living for the moment, every moment"

I often write self-help books

That is, how about it?

It's a junkish interpretation,

"Do what you don't like and try it as soon as you think."

What is it?

It's not a thing that I'm not good at, but an action.

For example me.
Actually, I'm a little bad at calling out.

I'm always taking pictures with a lot of poses in the course,
"Everybody is so busy and it's hard to say I'm going to take a picture.

I'm shopping, there's a nice necklace in the store, it's not priced
"I want to know the price, but if I ask, I have to buy it, so stop listening"

I want to ask someone for a little thing
"I'm going out now, maybe it's timing. I'll do it later."

I wonder if you have it, but the other party doesn't think that, but decide here and solve it without permission. Give reasons for not doing it, an excuse for yourself. Furthermore, it is troublesome because I like that.

What if you could take the plunge?

Life changes.

It will be clear.

"I live my whole life"

I think this is such a small thing.

Find out what you are not good at.
And give yourself courage!


I think you can have a great time.

Let's work hard together!


Tamaki-an 順 Junko Tamaki

The power of a drop of essential oil enriches you!

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