Tamaki-an 順 Junko TamakiDon't hesitate to ask people?


Every given day is the same time

If you ask someone what you wonder, it will be resolved immediately

If you ask yourself what you have wondered before you ask

Which do you think will be your own learning?


If someone asks you what you wonder

To give the correct answer to that question

The person who is asked will spend a significant amount of time investigating.

For you.

Those who are asked by examining will also learn,

Is it really good for you?

I think it is a little different.

When you just don't understand.

I guess it would be your "learning" to ask people at that time.

Every day's time is the same.

The only thing you need to know is that a word you ask will take your time,
I think it's a real "learning" when you find out the questions that you didn't understand through your own research.


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