Tamaki-an 順 Junko TamakiActions to take in desperation


The moment when you think that anything is fine

I'm actually on a diet.

It has been three and a half months.

By all means,

By all means,

I eat lots of sweet treats after breakfast.

"Whatever you do, it's up to you to eat."

A word told by the diet master.

Yeah ...

That's right···

If you don't eat sweets, you can lose weight.

So, I'm writing that if I make an announcement on my blog like this, it will be a commandment,


This is "diet desperation".

It will be smooth.

The switch of desperation was turned on a little while ago, so I wrote it swiftly.

Easy reply to emails from friends.

"Isn't that strange because it's trying to lose weight?"

"Because I want to lose weight, isn't that the way you say that?"

"You're saying that you're getting thinner, aren't there more enemies?"

Say! ! ! (Lol)

Forcibly delivered a desperate espionage e-mail to friends who do not want to lose weight.

I don't mind anything.

The exquisite snack that I want to buy a box is Ghana Toppo.

After all it is normal.

(Take a deep breath to return to a normal person).


Tamaki-an 順 Junko Tamaki

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