Lavender gel that cares from the back of the skin is amazing!
Have you ever experienced itching from behind, not on the skin surface?
It's itchy.
If you scratch it, it will damage the skin surface.
For skin problems such as atopy, we recommend lavender cream, which cares for the surface of the skin,
The surface of the skin is not a big deal, but I want to manage itching from the inside!
"Lavender gel" is active in such a case.
Lavender Angstifolia's specialty, "Sedation", will take care of the inside of the skin, along with the gel.
If you have itching such as hives, try using lavender gel.
Surprisingly popular is shops that do a lot of washing.
Cream doesn't make it, and harder cream makes it sticky.
As a result of having tried variously, Lambender gel was the best ♪
As it fits easily and goes deep, it protects you from the inside even if you have a lot of washing.
Some people said that their skin became white if they continued to use it (awesome)!
It can be used on the face instead of the ultimate beauty gel, so it can be used as a basic cosmetic.
Please try variously ♪