SAKURA viewClass at Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation


Class at Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation

Today, at the Hiroshima Animal Care College, I went to a 15-year-old 3rd and 4th grade student and the Akebono facility in the Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation Center for Handicapped Children for hand massage and animal contact classes.

This lesson has been in its fourth year, and this year, the president of Akebono Residents' Association issued a thank-you message on a personal computer, and the staff read it.
I was impressed by the words of my heart, the teacher and the students.

The first half is a hand massage.
Everyone was pleased with the conversation, scent and touch therapy.

In the second half, we interacted with three dogs and small animal rabbits and guinea pigs.

Usually, I do not touch animals in the facility, so I gently stroked my dog who came to my knees and feet and smiled.

In the art of bipedal walking, looping, and laying down with the signal of house and barn, applause and cheers came up.

The staff, users, and students at the facility were able to finish with a really good smile.
I hope this experience leads to the next.



JMAA Chugoku Regional School【SAKURA view】

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