SAKURA viewReunion for the first time in seven years


Reunion for the first time in seven years

I got an advisor qualification and came to the review course for the first time in seven years.

In another prefecture, I came by car for two and a half hours today.

It seems that it was during this time, but because of this time, he said he wanted to learn to perform disinfection and sterilization care on his own, and learned "Protecting the family from infectious diseases" and "Miracle series". Was

Sometimes I forgot the contents, there were many new products, and I was laughing as if it were "Urashima Taro".

However, they seemed to have made lavender cream etc. even after not meeting for seven years.

After returning home, I received the words, "I still felt I needed regular reviews."

The situation of the new coronavirus is changing every day, but the medical aroma is also evolving rapidly.

We will be working on a review course more and more, so please feel free to join us.



JMAA Chugoku Regional School【SAKURA view】

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